Deluxe green

For anyone keen to know about the picture I use for all of my social media accounts, yes I did make it. This is one of my more elaborate creations. I call it Deluxe Green as it’s a bit fancier than a Simple Green.

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– rocket leaves

– spinach leaves

– chopped radish

– chopped tomato

– chopped red onion

– avocado mash

– salt and pepper

You don’t really need to add dressing to this one as the red onion and salt & pepper bring quite a lot of flavour. However if you really like dressing I would suggest olive oil and balsamic.


I am feeling so much better today, whatever happened to me I am so thankful it gave up after 24 hours.


Until next time,



Twitter: @TheSaladMeister
Instagram: the_saladmeister



This is not a salad

No, this is not a salad but it was too delicious to not share. I woke up this morning feeling awful, at some point last night I came down with something. I thought if I got a good nights sleep I would feel better but no such luck. Finally at 5:00pm I felt ready to eat something and in the spirit of feeling sorry for myself I made a vegetable soup.


– chopped potato

– chopped pumpkin

– chopped beetroot

– chopped onion

– chopped garlic

– corn

– chopped broccoli

Simmer in salt-reduced vegetable stock until soft.

It may be all in my head but there is something about soup that makes me feel so much better when I’m feeling off. Thank you for humouring my soup that is not a salad, tomorrow we will be back to normal programming.

Until next time,


Twitter: @TheSaladMeister
Instagram: the_saladmeister

The roast

Tonight I roasted a tonne of veggies – my favourite! It’s not often I have the time to do a roast so I always make sure I do a lot of veggies to last me a while. Roast veggies are amazing both hot and cold. They also are so versatile in that they are great by themselves and in a salad.

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Roast Veggie Salad

– Roast veggies (carrot, sweet potato, potato & pumpkin topped with olive oil, rosemary and chilli salt – in the oven for 15-20 minutes)

– broccoli

– sliced avocado

I am eating my first plate and anticipating my second as I write this.

Happy weekend everyone!

Until next time,


Twitter: @TheSaladMeister
Instagram: the_saladmeister

Leftover salad

So it’s just coming on 1:30am and I am wide awake. Awesome. As whiny as that may sound I really struggle if I don’t get a solid eight hours. Though I also really struggle to shut off my brain hence here I am. Since I am awake I decided to make my lunch for work tomorrow and I have quite the creation to show you.

I’m going to call this Leftover Salad. I made vegetarian burritos for dinner tonight and have put all of my leftovers in together.

– leftover spicy rice (rice, onion, garlic, chilli, corn, cumin and salt cooked in rice bran oil)

– leftover romain lettuce

– leftover spinach

– leftover cherry tomatoes

To keep things interesting I also added

– sliced avocado

– sliced carrot

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I feel like this is (hopefully) going to taste like a Zambreros Burrito Bowl?? I’m almost tempted to put salsa on it but I don’t think that would keep until lunchtime tomorrow. As for the other half of that avocado I am going to eat that right now. Have you ever put chilli salt on half of an avocado and eaten it with a spoon? I strongly suggest you do.

Until next time,

a very awake Shayna

Twitter: @TheSaladMeister
Instagram: the_saladmeister

Simple green

I find lunch to be the best meal to get some much needed veggies in. I know for myself, breakfast and dinner tends to be a bit “carby” with things like toast and rice so I see lunch as a great opportunity to keep the balance. I ALWAYS pack my lunch whether I am going to work or uni. Mainly because you can find yourself spending $10+ on a meal that you don’t really know the contents of. Here is what I packed today;

Simple green salad;

– spinach
– sliced radish
– sliced cherry tomatoes
– avocado mash
– topped with olive oil, pepper & chilli salt (if you can find this at the shops, get it – chilli salt is a life changer!)

I use olive oil as a dressing because it holds well in a container for an extended period of time. Plus a lot of pre-made dressings can be full of sugar and preservatives.

Until next time,

Twitter: @TheSaladMeister
Instagram: the_saladmeister